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Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Kidou Keiji Jiban The Movie: Great Explosion at the Monster Factory of Fear

Tamura Naoto, a new detective in Central City was killed by a Bioron agent in the line of duty. Dr. Kenzou Igarashi, a man whose experiments had been responsible for the Bioron syndicate's existence, brought the man back to life as a robot detective, Jiban. In the finale, Bioron destroyed Jiban's base and transformed Mad Garbo into false Jiban. Jiban defeated his duplicate and ultimately Kibanoid, the true form of Bioron's leader Doctor Kiba. The victorious Jiban then learned that Igarashi Mayumi, little girl that knew his secret, had been his missing younger sister all along.

Jiban/Naoto Tamura: A human revived as a cyborg by Dr. Igarashi to fight Bioron. He is capable of reverting to his human identity at will. Holds the rank of police commissioner (as a robot) and detective (as human). Jiban's programming enables him to follow these directives:

1. Arrest criminals in any circumstance without a warrant.
2. Punish criminals on his own judgment if they happen to be members of Bioron.
3. Use lethal force depending on the circumstances.

Eventually, Bioron's Mad Garbo and Rhinonoid killed Jiban,who then returned to life again as Perfect Jiban (basically the same previous design but with a blue-colored metal body and three new weapons).


Director : Konishi Mitio
Writer : Noboru Sugimura
Naoto Tamura / Kidou Keiji Jiban: Shohei Kusaka
Doctor Kenzo Igarashi: Hajime Izu
Doctor Kiba: Leo Meneghetti
Doctor Kiba: Shozo Iizuka (Voice)
Mayumi Igarashi: Konomi Mashita
Youko Katagiri: Michiko Enokida
Ryuu Hayakawa: Ryohei Kobayashi
Seiichi Yanagida: Akira Ishihama
Marsha: Ami Kawai
Karsha: Akemi Kogawa
Seishiro Muramatsu: Kunio Konishi
Mad Garbo: Kazuko Yanaga
Queen Cosmos: Yoko Asakura
Narrator: Toru Ohira
Country : Japan
Language : Japanese
Subtitle Indonesia
Download Link :  Via 
 total 7 part, 24Mb/part
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1. Gunakan HJsplit untuk menyatukan file "DPJ-TM.sso.001" sampe "DPJ-TM.sso.007"
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3. Extract menggunakan WinRar atau softwer extractor lainnya yang anda miliki.
4. Jika dimintai password tuliskan saja "" tanpa tanda petik INGAT! PASSWORD DIKETIK JANGAN DICOPAS!
(klo ga ngerti cara ke 3 dan 4, sumpah lu kebangetan banget )
5. Jeng...jeng.... Selamat menyaksikan Detektif Pemusnah Jiban - The Movie

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3 komentar:

  • gan tolong di reuplod dong, filenya uudah dihapus sama Axisfile.
    Makasih sebelumnya

  • ya please ...
    mau banget ...

  • ok gan nanti ane usahain upload lagi, tapi sabar ya.

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