Ultraman Saga is a Japanese tokusatsu film in the Ultra Series to celebrate the franchise’s 45th anniversary. It serves as a sequel to Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial. The film features Ultraman Zero, Ultraman Dyna, and Ultraman Cosmos as well as the five Ultra Brothers facing a new ultimate threat, Hyper Zetton and the monster army created by the evil Alien Bat. The film also features a new Ultraman known as Ultraman Saga. The movie is set in the world of Ultraman Dyna, taking place 18 years after the series and features much of the supporting cast returning. A selection of members from the idol group AKB48 has been chosen to portray the characters of Team-U, a special monster attack team part of the fictional Earth Defense Force.
Genre....: Action / Tokusatsu
Distributor...: Shochiku
Year.............: 2012
Country.........: Japan
Director.........: Hideki Oka
Source………..: DVD9 Retail
DVD Format…….: NTSC
Video Format………: Matroska
Video Bitrate….: 491kbps
Screen Format….: Widescreen
Resolution...: 848X480
Duration......: 1h 29mn
Audio Language…: Japanese
Audio Format…..: AAC
Subtitles……..: Indonesia
Distributor...: Shochiku
Year.............: 2012
Country.........: Japan
Director.........: Hideki Oka
Source………..: DVD9 Retail
DVD Format…….: NTSC
Video Format………: Matroska
Video Bitrate….: 491kbps
Screen Format….: Widescreen
Resolution...: 848X480
Duration......: 1h 29mn
Audio Language…: Japanese
Audio Format…..: AAC
Subtitles……..: Indonesia
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